Khushi Kapoor, one of the most promising young actresses, is set to make her theatrical debut with ‘Loveyapa’. Directed by filmmaker Advait Chandan, the film will showcase Khushi Kapoor playing the role of Bani. She is a bubbly and lively girl, carrying an infectious vibe with her. The actress is on a promotional spree for her film, and during one of the promotions, she opened up about working under the direction of Advait Chandan, and called it her ‘best experience’.
Khushi Kapoor on working with Advait Chandan in Loveyapa
Khushi Kapoor said, “I mean, I had the best experience. I think I immediately just felt seen and heard as an actor. I just felt like he would listen to me and understand me, and he would give us both that space to kind of explore and approach the scene, how we would interpret it, and then kind of give us his notes on how he would want the scene to go.”
She further added, “So it would kind of give him a fresh perspective and help us understand how the progression of our characters in the scene should be. So, I mean, overall, the whole experience was just the smoothest. And I keep telling him as well, I just think I had the best time shooting this film. It just felt like such a breeze. And I think that affects your performance as well, your environment.”
Khushi Kapoor on portrayal of her character
Sharing insights into fitting into the shoes of her character, Khushi Kapoor said, “I was sitting quietly in the corner when I first met Advait, and he asked, ‘Can you scream? This film is about shouting.’ I told him I’d try. Right after that meeting, I started yelling, and even I was surprised at myself, like, ‘Where did this voice come from?’ Bani and Gaurav are such bindass, loud characters, completely opposite to us introverts. It was fun exploring that side.”
About Loveyapa
Khushi Kapoor is geared up to share the screen space with Junaid Khan in ‘Loveyapa’. The film is a rom-com that promises to take you on a helluva ride of love, laughter, and emotions. The trailer and songs of the film have raised anticipation, setting the tone for the film’s big release. On this note, ‘Loveyapa’ is scheduled to land on the big screens on February 7.